Khondoker R.

First Aid / CPR Instructor

PCP - Primary Care Paramedic (flight)

Khondoker R.'s Bio and Background


Primary Care Paramedic (+ Flight)

Undergrad degree from UofT Mississauga: with focus on Bio (evolution & generics) + GIS (Geographical Information System)

Diploma: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

Instructor: SFA, CPR, BLS, AMFR


From isolated reserves to arguably the busiest service in North America, land & air emergencies, been there all.

Loved the unique opportunities & situations with their own challenges.

Teaching for 10+ years, still love it.

Fun Fact

Fun Facts about Khondoker

Love travelling (can't afford it as much as I'd like to), trying new things, keen on learning new stuff, love being able to help.

How and Why did Khondoker get involved in First Aid and CPR training?

Had been a volunteer with SJA since my undergrad days and I believe SFA + CPR should be become a requirement to graduate from high-school. Love teaching/educating/training, Love to pass on my knowledge & experiences in hope that it might be useful to someone someday.


Articles Written By

Khondoker R.

Below you'll find articles and thoughts written for Para CPR & First Aid's "Keep Your Finger on the Pulse" Article Collection by Khondoker.

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