Cam L.

First Aid & CPR Instructor

PCP - Primary Care Paramedic

Cam L.'s Bio and Background


Primary Care Paramedic Program- Honours 

International Trauma Life Support 

EMT Canada First Aid & CPR Instructor


Primary Care Paramedic since 2017

Acting Superintendent 

PCP Preceptor

Fun Fact

Fun Facts about Cam

Cam has a large German Shepherd that he loves going on hikes and runs with. He is also into action sports such as snowboarding, skateboarding and skydiving.

How and Why did Cam get involved in First Aid and CPR training?

When Cam was a teenager he worked at a hockey arena. One night, a referee collapsed on the ice. Cam rushed over to help but had no First Aid or CPR training. The ambulance attended and paramedics escorted the referee to the hospital. Cam then took a first aid and CPR course. This way he was confident he would know what to do if there was another medical emergency in the future. This event planted the seed which later led him to becoming a Paramedic.


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Articles Written By

Cam L.

Below you'll find articles and thoughts written for Para CPR & First Aid's "Keep Your Finger on the Pulse" Article Collection by Cam.

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